Bob Nicoll, Program Manager, CareWorksComp
The Workers’ Compensation System can be complicated and downright daunting but it is essential for employers to know how the system works so they can make good business decisions. Most workers’ compensation mistakes are the result of lack of knowledge, lack of communication or lack of involvement or action. One thing is clear, mistakes can negatively impact an employer’s profitability.
Mr. Nicoll will discuss the 10 most common mistakes employers make; he will explain the negative effects of: not understanding the Workers’ Compensation System, not being involved, not having a knowledgeable point person, not having an injury reporting process, not understanding how rates are established, not understanding how a claim impacts your bottom line, not taking advantage of rating discount & refund programs, and not understanding and utilizing claim cost control strategies. He will also explain how missing deadlines and lapsed coverage can affect your bottom line.
Bob Nicoll is the Program Manager with CareWorksComp assigned to work with the Group Rating Program sponsored by our Safety Council. He has been with CareWorksComp for 20 years serving in various capacities from sales to customer service. His duties include working with the marketing and administration of our workers’ compensation group rating and claim management programs. He also helps employers with determining their most cost-effective workers’ comp programs.
Reservations are required for this meeting. The cost for members is $22 and $27 for non-members. For those who chose to pay at the door, you may pay only by cash or check, no credit cards will be accepted. All attendees must make their payment on or before the meeting, members cannot request to be invoiced. Anyone making a reservation and do not attend without making a proper cancelation will be charged for the meeting. This meeting qualifies as 1 of the 10 meetings that are required under the BWC’s Safety Council Rebate Program. IMPORTANT – For your organization to receive credit for attending the meeting you must stay until the end. If you leave early, your organization may not receive credit for the meeting.