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Drones – Commercial Uses, Regulations and
Best Practices”
Joshua Grappy, UAS Program Coordinator
Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation
The number of drones in the sky has literally soared in recent years. Initially, many were purchased as recreational devices to amuse ourselves but other commercial applications are being discovered every day. These unmanned airborne devices are becoming important additions to equipment needed on the job.
This presentation discusses the various industries currently using drones for increased efficiency and safety. Also discussed are the current Federal Aviation Administration, FAA regulations required to operate commercially and the best practices involved to ensure safe operation. Additional topics include how the BWC is using drones and the types of assistance they can provide to Ohio employers interested in creating their own drone program.
Josh Grappy oversees the Unmanned Aircraft Systems, (UAS) Program for the BWC. The UAS Program uses drones to document catastrophic workplace accidents investigated by the Safety Violations Investigation Unit. Additionally, the program provides information to Ohio employers on how to implement UAS within their own businesses in a safe and responsible way. Josh is a certified remote Pilot in Command (FAA Part 107 remote pilot with a small UAS certification). Josh also works as a Digital Forensic Analyst within the Special Investigations Department and is a 16 year BWC employee.