The Greater Cleveland Safety Council has joined with the Safety Council of Northwest Ohio in providing the Certified Occupational Safety Specialist, COSS Course in November for individuals who want to improve their capabilities to work effectively in the field of safety. It provides students with the tools and techniques they need to make safety work for them and achieve results.
The Certified Occupational Safety Specialist Program is a unique curriculum-based certification providing accelerated learning in the essentials of safety, occupational health and OSHA training requirements. Upon successfully completing the COSS Course, you will receive the nationally recognized certification of Certified Occupational Safety Specialist. You will have the ability to coordinate the successful implementation of corporate safety and health plans, coordinate and conduct safety and health training and provide support to safety and training managers.
The course will be conducted in the Safety Council’s classroom, (Suite 1672) located in the Hanna Building on the corner of East 14th Street and Euclid Avenue from Monday, November 5th through Friday, November 9th. The class will start each day at 8 a.m. and finish at approximately 5 p.m. Refreshments will be served each day however students will be on their own for lunch.
The cost of the course is $1,699 for members of our Safety Council and $2,399 for non-members. Payment is required prior to the class. Payment must be received no later than October 22nd. Cancelations less than 24 hours in advance and no-shows are responsible for the full registration fee.